We are excited to present Christ Church Conversations to you, a new podcast series from Christ Episcopal Church in Columbia, Maryland. This series will take shape in many forms - audio, video, interviews, scripture-based thoughts, and so much more - but as it's still in its earliest stages, as we grow we hope you'll grow with us.
You can learn more about our worship, fellowship, and outreach ministries on our website -
Episode 24 : Many Voices, One Family
"Our singing voices are a beautiful, human way to express emotions, so let us all join together as one congregation, one family, and lift our voices in hymns of praise to God."
Our Music Director, Larissa Sanders, explains why we - a multicultural parish representing many different cultures, histories, and voices - incorporate some songs and hymns into our worship that lots of other churches might not, and why they combine to create a beautiful reminder of why Christ Church stands out.
We are excited to share this episode of Christ Church Conversations with you, our podcast series! This series takes shape in several forms - audio, video, interviews, scripture-based discussions, and much more - and you can find us on major podcast platforms. Visit our website, choose your favorite podcast format, and take this journey with us.
To learn more about our worship, outreach, formation, and fellowship gatherings, please visit